DRUKARNIA 'B3 Project'

Plastic cards became ubiquitous in our everyday life. They began to play an important role in advertising exerting a major influence on marketing. The usage of plastic cards is versatile as they are used as credit cards, phone cards, id cards, key cards, visiting cards.
Due to the fact that plastic card increases the prestige it has become an indispensable element of modern corporate image. Due to its durability and usefulness it is irreplaceable item of any company activity.[...]

Laser engraving is resistant to any imperfections of the branding of metal surfaces. It is irremovable and readable on any surface. It fulfills the requirements of any advertisement uses (engravings on pendants, ballpens, etc.), industry uses (engraving of particular mechanical parts) or engraving info on panels and plates made of glass, leather or wood.
You may travel round the world and the quality of the engraved item remains unchanged.[...]

We possess a special embroidery machine that allows to make embroidery on various types of fabrics. Embroidery is frequently viewed as the more prestigious form of clothes branding thus we are capable of embroidering any kind of garment.
At the demand of the order we purchase well-known branded clothing such as PROMO-STAR, Fruit of the Loom, Slazenger.[...]

Oferujemy druk katalogów, folderów prezentujących Państwa firmę w bogatej formie kolorystycznej na papierze kredowanym, szyte zeszytowo lub w oprawie książkowej.[...]